At a fundamental level displays have done the same thing for centuries. They convert electricity into light which is then transformed into an image. But let us not forget about the other side of this technology that happens first. Images must be captured by a camera before we can decide what resolution, color or sound will accompany them. The key function of camera is the polar opposite of a display. Cameras convert photons from the complicated optical world around us into electrons.
Today I’m going to cover an up-and-coming application for quantum dots, not in the display itself, but rather on image capture side – as the photo-sensitive layer in an imaging system.
QD cameras – nothing to do with gamut
I won’t even mention the g-word in this blog (ok, only once). QDs in imaging have nothing to do with color rendering. In fact, when functioning as an absorber, QDs absorb broad wavelengths of light, unlike their emissive cousins which emit very pure light.
Perhaps some of you remember the news last year that Apple acquired InVisage, a company working on QD imaging for cell phone cameras. Similar to Apple, InVisage remained super-secretive about what they were working on. According to the InVisage website, there are a number of advantages over the existing silicon imaging system in your cell phone.
Global shutter which results in less motion blur – this is a product of their circuit and electrode design, not the QD layer
Thin, efficient photosensitive layer (the QDs)
High dynamic range. A result of isolating the absorption and signal processing into two separate planes (QDs and Si readout) compared to Si
Tunable absorption from visible to infrared depending on the application
You can see some short movies and images on the InVisage website that show the advantages of this technology compared to traditional Si. Not surprisingly, Apple declined to comment.